Posts by webmaster (Page 4)

Posts by webmaster (Page 4)

Walk in the Spirit (by Chiraene)

Walk in the Spirit Sunday’s service called ‘Walk in the Spirit’ was based on Galatians 5, and I’m certain that there was something in the message for everyone. What stood out for me was how much Pastor Vickylextar emphasized the importance of renewing our minds to align them with the spirit of God in us. This message could not have come at a better time because I was at a point where I was struggling to accept the truth that…

A little leaven leavens the whole lump. (by Alvin)

A little leaven leavens the whole lump. The part of this week’s service that spoke to me the most was when we discussed compromise within the church and its individuals. I was reminded that as an individual and as a church, we need to step up and defend the integrity of our faith through our personal faith walk and not by condemning others. We see a lot of compromise within the church in general, not specifically Crosspointe. It reminded me…

Stand Fast (by Nadeige)

Stand Fast Galatians 5:1 says: Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Freedom is defined as having “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” Yeshua has given such freedom by His sacrifice, for us to choose, think freely. In 2 Timothy 1:7, it says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear…

It’s a Wonderful Thing (by Zach)

It’s a Wonderful Thing In this week’s sermon, Pastor Vickylextar started wrapping up her message by saying: Beloved children of God. It’s a wonderful thing to be a child of God. It’s a wonderful thing to be a child of a loving God!  Our Father Yahweh is not only loving, but He is perfect, constant, pure and Love; and Scripture says that, as beloved children, we should be imitators of Him. Like Father, like sons. And Yeshua said that it…

Letting Go of The Fear to Offend (by Lisa)

Letting Go of The Fear to Offend Sunday’s message was particularly great and thought-provoking to me. We reviewed 2 Timothy 4: 1 -5, where Paul is charging us to preach the gospel always and warning us to be careful about what we desire to hear. Waiting for the ‘convenient time to share the Word of God has kept me silent for a very long time. I have been looking out for the perfect setting to share, thinking of when the chances…

Contentment, I finally get it. (by Pastor Denis)

Contentment, I finally get it. This last Sunday, Pastor Jonathan’s message was on contentment. I realize that this was not the first time we receive a message on that topic, but this time I believe I really understood what it means. Every message we receive is filled with many helpful hints that guide us throughout the week. I must admit that I do not remember all of them all the time, but if we apply at least one of them,…

Fully content in Him! (by Pastor Carole)

Fully content in Him! This Sunday’s service, we received a great Word and teaching on ”The Secret of Contentment” (Philippians 4:10-19), where the apostle Paul explains that he ”learned to be content”. I was so happy and relieved to know and understand that full contentment is a learning path, that to be fully content is not a natural thing. How can I become fully content? For me, it starts by knowing that the Holy Spirit lives in me, that God provides…

To Be Salt and Light (by Emmanuel)

To Be Salt and Light This Sunday’s service was about Yeshua teaching His disciples and us about being Salt and light to the world. The message based on Matthew 5:13-16 hit home for me. Salt What is the purpose of salt? It is most well known as a food preservative and flavouring. As a Christian, to be salt is to be genuine, have unconditional love and good moral standards. People around us can enjoy the “salt” when we smile, give a…

The Salt of The Earth (by Lissa)

The Salt of The Earth On Sunday, Pastor said a line that stuck with me. Your faith should be a real thing, not a church thing. It reminded me that our faith should not be compartmentalized to a day of the week, a holiday, or a situation. My faith walk is every day, and in everything I do. When faith is real and alive, it is not a religious activity; it’s a lifestyle. Christ has empowered me to be like Him.…

Called to Be The Salt and The Light (by Tina)

Called to Be The Salt and The Light Sunday’s message was based on the scripture in Matthew 5:13-16, emphasizing being called to be the salt and the light of the world. The Bible says in James 2:19: “You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!”   The message was a good reflection on what we do with our salt and our light. Christians often say: “We are the light of the world.” But…

The Living Word (by Genevive)

The Living Word On Sunday, the pastor’s message really hit home for me. Many times we go to church on Sunday, and by Monday, we’ve forgotten everything.  This was always the case for me. It didn’t matter how awesome the sermon was; I couldn’t recall what was preached by nightfall. For the first time, I understood that I was allowing the enemy to steal the word from me. I was allowing grief, fear and sheer laziness to choke the word…

Beware of PRIDE! (by Gina)

Beware of PRIDE! Last Sunday, Pastor Jonathan continued to teach on our hearts’ condition and the things that can bring us to a place of hardening our hearts. There were a few points that stood out for me. The hardening of one’s heart is a process. It doesn’t just happen; it’s often a series of events and choices that will eventually bring us there. It was a great reminder for me to continue to do as the word says in…