A little leaven leavens the whole lump. (by Alvin)

A little leaven leavens the whole lump. (by Alvin)

A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

The part of this week’s service that spoke to me the most was when we discussed compromise within the church and its individuals. I was reminded that as an individual and as a church, we need to step up and defend the integrity of our faith through our personal faith walk and not by condemning others.

We see a lot of compromise within the church in general, not specifically Crosspointe. It reminded me that it’s important to perform regular audits of our lives to ensure that the world’s compromises are not sneaking their way into our lives and that we do not become tolerant to sin, regardless of “how small”.

This week, I took the opportunity to do just that and keep myself aware of my actions and maintain their alignment with my faith.

– Alvin, April 22, 2021


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