Beware of PRIDE! (by Gina)

Beware of PRIDE! (by Gina)

Beware of PRIDE!

Last Sunday, Pastor Jonathan continued to teach on our hearts’ condition and the things that can bring us to a place of hardening our hearts.

There were a few points that stood out for me.

  1. The hardening of one’s heart is a process. It doesn’t just happen; it’s often a series of events and choices that will eventually bring us there. It was a great reminder for me to continue to do as the word says in 2 corinthians 13, examine myself daily and continue to allow God and others to show me what I need to work on.
  2. The second one was Pride; it was eye-opening to hear that it comes right before one hardens their hearts.

That really got my attention because I saw different ways that pride was slowly creeping in for about a week or so. Some I conquered on my own (with God and the knowledge that I have acquired through teachings at Crosspointe) and some by reaching out and sharing with my Crosspointe family.

One situation was conquered with the encouragement that I got from our Life Group Leaders to apply for a position that I didn’t think I was qualified for. That was false Humility, another form of Pride!

I am very grateful for this message because it really helped me face that last bit of Pride that I wanted to take root. After I acknowledged it and repented, pride wanted me to stay in self-pity, but I decide to RISE! By dinner time, I was feeling great, and I was able to have a wonderful week!

God reveals to redeem! He doesn’t condemn. He corrects those He Loves, and I am so grateful for His Love!

– Gina, March 18, 2021


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