Posts from August 2022

Posts from August 2022

Shattered Dreams

shattered dreams Recently, we were invited by our pastor to present in a creative way, a presentation of our shattered dreams. Initially, I shied away from this assignment, as I felt I had already laid out all of my past hurt and disappointments to the church on more than one occasion. Moreover, I am typically a reserved person and I don’t consider myself to be much of a creative. It wasn’t until God showed me specific wounds that were still…

Family Fun Day!

Family Fun Day! Sunday, August 14, 2022 there was no church service online. We had a Family Fun Day! A rafting activity was planned for those who wanted to participate and others spent the day with family and friends. I thought what a great idea; encouraging families to spend time together during Family Fun Day. God is a fun Father, He loves to see His children enjoy His beautiful creation. It also teaches the kids that God is fun. We…

Esau Syndrome

esau syndrome Our theme scripture this Sunday was Hebrew 12:14-17; Pastor David took us on a journey which admonished us to beware of the trade-off we make in our daily lives, sometimes in a dire situation or even when things are going well. These trade-offs are dangerous, and while temporally satisfying our fleshy needs, we can cause us to lose our birthright in Christ. So this is the Esau syndrome – when Esau traded his birthright for a quick meal, he…

Where is your allegiance today?

Where is your allegiance Today? I am grateful that indeed, He has clothed me with gladness, giving me beauty for ashes and a new identity of worth and love, in His Name! My life story is summarized in one verse, reminding me that good news ought to be shared. Oh, to keep this truth close to my heart and always occupying my mind, will certainly help me keep to the narrow path. Pastor Vickylextar continued and asked: where is your…