Posts by webmaster (Page 5)

Posts by webmaster (Page 5)

The Condition of My Heart (by Vergia)

The Condition of My Heart In my life, it’s been mostly a priority to be healthy, making every effort to eat right and be physically in shape. It’s one thing that I have been passionate about, and I do it out of joy, not as an obligation. Having the goal of overall wellness has been a target to help keep me on target. In this Sunday’s service, I learnt that the same joy/discipline needs to be in my walk with…

Believing Beyond our Circumstances (by Pastor Sandra)

Believing Beyond our Circumstances Sunday, we were reminded about the sower and the ground on which the seed falls.  As well, we were challenged to choose to dare believe God beyond our circumstances. For me personally, this challenge is exciting yet can only be possible by reminding myself how good God is. Struggling with fear or doubt at times, I need to be thinking about His lovely and encouraging thoughts concerning me so I can move beyond what I see…

Standing in Our True Worth (by Sydney)

Standing in Our True Worth  This past Sunday, Pastor Vickylextar expanded on the previous week’s sermon. She explained that our worth is not in what we alone think of ourselves but rather how God sees us, who He created us to be, what He has in store for us. This truly resonated with me as I was someone who struggled a lot with self-worth and confidence, it reminded me to reflect and re-center myself as one who is created in…

Small but Mighty (by Mercy)

Small but Mighty The Lord is with you, mighty (wo) man of valour. Last Sunday, our beloved pastor Vickylextar continued her sermon series called Small but Mighty, focusing on Gideon’s story. I was reminded that Gideon did not think very highly of himself. In fact, he considered himself to be from the least of the tribes of Israel and saw himself unqualified to lead the Israelite army. Gideon had what we would call today an Inferiority Complex. How many times…

I am who God says I am (by Pastor David)

I am who God says I am We have had profound teachings in the past two weeks on Gideon’s story in the book of Judges. Gideon had a misplaced identity of himself based on his perceived reality. He saw himself as the least in his family and tribe. Despite his circumstance, he chose to believe the good report of the Lord about himself when admonished and walked in obedience to God. The moral truth is whose report do we believe:…

Mighty Man of Valour (by Theo)

Mighty Man of Valour No matter who we are, or we may think of ourselves, this Sunday’s sermon taught us that He has set us apart to kingdom use if we trust and obey God. In the theme scripture (Judges 6), we found Gideon, who considered himself the least of the least, living in fear, but he chose to obey God’s command, followed His instructions into victory, and lived up to His name as a “Mighty Man of Valour.” I…
Do you want to be in the Lord's army?

Soldiers of God’s Army (by Sabrena)

Soldiers of God’s Army This Sunday’s sermon was a call to rise up to be used for the battle ahead. Who is He calling? Anyone who is listening. Gideon was given as an example; he was in hiding from the enemies of the Israelites. Although Gideon was at a place in his life where he was at a low point in fear the Angel of God still referred to him as a “mighty man of valour” and he was reminded…

Grace and Peace (by Alvin)

Grace and Peace This Sunday’s sermon spoke about growing in Christ’s divine nature. In 2 Peter, chapter 1, we read: May grace and peace be multiplied in the knowledge of God and of Yeshua our Lord. This scripture spoke to me the most because it says to me that the deeper you get in your relationship with God & Yeshua, despite the tragedies and heartbreaks that may be in your life, you will always have His peace and His grace…

Knowledge (by Nadeige)

Knowledge May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Yeshua our Lord. -2 Peter 1:2. Dr. Vickylextar taught last Sunday on 2 Peter 1, she mentioned that knowledge is intimacy. Intimacy means to be acquainted, close to or familiar with someone. One of the biggest blocks on my journey of knowing God was myself. I had so much anger and a mix of love and hate in my heart towards God. I blamed…

We are part of each other’s journey! (by Gina)

We are part of each other’s journey! As I listened to this past Sunday’s message, I was reminded of my journey. How far God came to get me.  Those who played a role, directly and indirectly, to get me to where I am today and how I could do the same when I allowed God to lead me, instead of staying in my comfort and allowing my fears to lead.  As a young girl, I remember being very curious about…

To Believe Beyond What We See (by Stephanie)

To Believe Beyond What We See Last Sunday’s message focused on the absolute knowledge that we should have of God’s ability to sustain us through anything. It was based on Philippians 1:19: For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Christ. At several moments during the service, I asked myself: Is this me? Do I have that absolute knowledge? What is my faith in God based on? …

The Truth of What We Believe (by Lisa)

The beautiful gift of true worship In Sunday’s message, we talked about the meaning and purpose of true worship. It was such a wonderful service, and I was beyond excited to be reminded that worship and praise is so much more than a program at the beginning of a church service composed of music, singing, and dancing:   – It is a lifestyle! – The true acknowledgment of who God is!  – A lifestyle of recognizing the greatness of God…