Grace and Peace (by Alvin)

Grace and Peace (by Alvin)

Grace and Peace

This Sunday’s sermon spoke about growing in Christ’s divine nature. In 2 Peter, chapter 1, we read:

May grace and peace be multiplied in the knowledge of God and of Yeshua our Lord.

This scripture spoke to me the most because it says to me that the deeper you get in your relationship with God & Yeshua, despite the tragedies and heartbreaks that may be in your life, you will always have His peace and His grace (to both give and receive) to get through situations that may seem impossible.

This week, I faced many opportunities where I did not see why I would forgive or extend mercy in my own strength, but my relationship with God continuously reminds me of the strength He has put in me. These challenges I face should by all means be devastating, but by allowing God’s peace and grace to flow through me, I was able to overcome and not let the challenges steal my joy.

– Alvin, February 11, 2021

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