To Believe Beyond What We See (by Stephanie)

To Believe Beyond What We See (by Stephanie)

To Believe Beyond What We See

Last Sunday’s message focused on the absolute knowledge that we should have of God’s ability to sustain us through anything. It was based on Philippians 1:19:

For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Christ.

At several moments during the service, I asked myself: Is this me? Do I have that absolute knowledge? What is my faith in God based on? 
Sure, I have the head knowledge, but am I reflecting this verse in my daily life? 
I quickly had to admit that it wasn’t always the case. I saw that there were certain areas of my life where I was more aware than persuaded.

The message motivated me to keep moving forward in the midst of challenges. As we saw, Paul not only sacrificed everything to be able to share the Gospel, but he was content, still praising God despite the situation he was in.

As I examined myself, I decided to stop focusing on those areas where I struggled, but rather on God, as Paul did. What I know is that God is love. He is unchangeable and omnipotent, and as long as I chose to abide in His Word, I will see the fruits of His power revealed in me.

In the famous chapter 1 Corinthians 13, we read that love hopes all things and endures all things. It’s not from a place of weakness – as Dr. Sowah has told us many times – but rather a proof of strength. Paul hoped and endured all things to the point that he could see beyond his circumstances and encourage people who were miles and miles away with his words. 

This week I understood a lot more the importance of selflessness and allowing God to move us rather than being moved by our circumstances. God is the one who sustains me, and my goal this week is to reflect that!

– Stephanie, February 2, 2021


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