Soldiers of God’s Army (by Sabrena)

Soldiers of God’s Army (by Sabrena)

Soldiers of God’s Army

This Sunday’s sermon was a call to rise up to be used for the battle ahead.

Who is He calling? Anyone who is listening.

Gideon was given as an example; he was in hiding from the enemies of the Israelites. Although Gideon was at a place in his life where he was at a low point in fear the Angel of God still referred to him as a “mighty man of valour” and he was reminded that the Lord was with Him.

From the day I accepted Christ as Lord and Saviour of my life, it was as like a fire ignited in me, and I always knew that this fire would spread to others that needed the love of Christ. Of course, in my Christian walk, I have had many opportunities to witness and to share His love, but I also knew that He was building me up for a pivotal moment; this is that moment. As I listened to the sermon, I was reminded of the Father’s call for us, to be used however He requires. I was reminded that we are called to something greater than ourselves. We can only do what is required if we let go.

Like Gideon, we may have something that we may need to lay down in order to get where we need to be. We have to “clean house”. What do we have to lay down? What do we put ahead of God?

We were reminded that He is God, and He can do all things if only we let Him. So, I will no longer wait to ‘I get there,’ where I rely on my own capabilities and understanding. I choose to get out of my comfort zone and to forget my circumstances because the need is far bigger than how I feel. I am diving headfirst, and wherever I am weak, I will rely on His strength. I know that He’s got me!


– Sabrena, February 22, 2021


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