Believing Beyond our Circumstances (by Pastor Sandra)

Believing Beyond our Circumstances (by Pastor Sandra)

Believing Beyond our Circumstances

Sunday, we were reminded about the sower and the ground on which the seed falls.  As well, we were challenged to choose to dare believe God beyond our circumstances. For me personally, this challenge is exciting yet can only be possible by reminding myself how good God is.

Struggling with fear or doubt at times, I need to be thinking about His lovely and encouraging thoughts concerning me so I can move beyond what I see and feel.  Replacing negative thoughts -that are dry soil- with love has been healing and powerful.  His precious words and thoughts about me give me the purpose, the strength, and the desire to move forward.

This renewal of the mind has brought healing in my body this past year and has given me peace that I could not have without Him. 

Abba is amazing in so many ways, and I am so happy that I know Him.


– Pastor Sandra, March 11, 2021


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