Standing in Our True Worth (by Sydney)

Standing in Our True Worth (by Sydney)

Standing in Our True Worth 

This past Sunday, Pastor Vickylextar expanded on the previous week’s sermon. She explained that our worth is not in what we alone think of ourselves but rather how God sees us, who He created us to be, what He has in store for us.

This truly resonated with me as I was someone who struggled a lot with self-worth and confidence, it reminded me to reflect and re-center myself as one who is created in His holy image.

As I feel myself slip into doubt and find it difficult to realize my true worth I focus on Him, His love for all, and how He sees his children.

Pastor related this to Gideon and how he never could have imagined God’s major plans for him. She reminded us that God has big plans for all of us and that it is up to us to take time and listen for your call, but all the while prepping ourselves for what’s to come. We must make sure our home is in order, that we are ready to be called upon without hesitation. To me, this was a great reminder to stay guarded and prioritize my health, work, and studies for the hectic month this will be while always making time to talk to God. No matter what is to come He has got us!

– Sydney, March 4, 2021


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