The Truth of What We Believe (by Lisa)

The Truth of What We Believe (by Lisa)

The beautiful gift of true worship

In Sunday’s message, we talked about the meaning and purpose of true worship. It was such a wonderful service, and I was beyond excited to be reminded that worship and praise is so much more than a program at the beginning of a church service composed of music, singing, and dancing:


– It is a lifestyle!

– The true acknowledgment of who God is! 

– A lifestyle of recognizing the greatness of God in all ways possible.

A heartfelt outward expression of the inward explosion of a grateful heart towards God, expressible through actions, words, thoughts, interactions with others, and everyday activities, among so much more!

When we have all our being and living in Christ, we cannot help but worship Him; it bursts out naturally within you! What a blessing is the freedom of being able to praise Him anywhere, any time! And for this reason, I will sing a new song unto the Lord with my words, praising Him for who He is, for His faithfulness and unchanging goodness!

Oh Yeshua, the Lord of my heart,

What a wonderful God You are!

How faithful is Your steadfast Love,

How gracious is Your steady hand,

And how vast is the ocean of Your forgiveness!

Recognizing Your heart and faithfulness in everything cannot be limited or structured in an allotted time on Sunday mornings, for You are so beyond structure and so excellent!

The goodness of Your heart cannot be contained nor expressed in thousands of songs,

You are good! You are here! And You are steadfast.

I praise Your name today, through my smile, my words, my actions!

I praise you with my giddy dance moves and the quirkiness You created me with! 

I praise You by loving my neighbour, honouring my family, and thanking you for all that I have! 

I praise You with my heart as I choose to focus on Your Truth so that I can truly reflect You. 

I praise You by seeking You first, by aligning my heart to Yours, and discerning things to please You!

I praise Thee, oh I praise Thee, marvellous Father of Lights!

The rescuer of the lost, The redeemer of our lives!

I praise You while celebrating who I am and the beauty of the humans You created!

I praise You with my soul, thoughts, and laughter!

 I praise You with forgiveness, joy, and compassion. 

I love You; I praise You, my Lord, with every thought and fibre of my being!

I’ll raise a banner to the One who conquered the grave and rescued my soul from the pit! 

You, All deserving, amazing God!

I praise You; I praise You, Almighty One!

You deserved to be praised and honoured, and Your praises will forever be on my lips and printed on my heart.

You are so good! And I am thankful. 

Psalm 95: 1-2: ‘’Come, let us praise the LORD! Let us sing for joy to God, who protects us! Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and sing joyful songs of praise!’’

 In truth, in love, and with everything, let us, indeed, Praise the Lord! 

– Lisa, January 29, 2020

One Comment

  1. Carole Lacroix

    This is so beautiful Lisa!! While reading the post you provide me as well with the opportunity to praise and worship God. Thank you so much 🥰

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