Posts by webmaster

Posts by webmaster

2022: Warriors Unleashed! (by Lisa)

2022: Warriors Unleashed! During the last service, we had a delightful overview of the blessed gift of our saviour Yeshua through songs and Scriptures, reviewing the beautiful miracle of His birth, the painful hours of His crucifixion, and the marvellous Victory of His resurrection. It was beautiful to hear the story through the mouths of His creation of various ages, styles, and backgrounds! I enjoyed pausing and taking the time to reflect on the foundation of my faith and how…

Again, What Do You Believe? (by Stephanie)

Again, What Do You Believe? Last weekend, Pastor Jonathan started the service by reminding us of the importance of being assertive in our faith when it comes to the holiday celebrations of the world. For many of us, our family members are – or choose to remain – ignorant of the true pagan origins of celebrations such as Christmas.  As Christians, refusing to take part in some of those traditions can quickly become a source of conflict. If we remember…

Changed For God’s Glory – Second Ordination (by Pastor Sandra)

Changed For God’s Glory – Second Ordination This past weekend, during service, we had the honour and pleasure of having our second ordination at Crosspointe Ministries. We are not the usual church, but rather a powerful ministry that teaches and equips people to go out into the world to bring hope and redemption.  We have been walking in faith and changing lives through love since 2015. During the ordination, all five pastors and one evangelist shared a short testimony and…

Who Is Your God (by Tina)

Who Is Your God Pastor Jonathan’s message from this Sunday was from the scripture Exodus 32: The story of Moses and how the children of Israel rebelled against the Lord their God with idol worship. We learnt that when Moses went up to the mountain, he stayed for forty days and forty nights while the rest of the elders returned to the camp and others waited nearby.  When the people felt Moses’ return was delayed, they came before Aaron and…

God’s Eyes Are On You (by Emmanuel)

God’s Eyes Are On You Yeshua was encouraging his disciples, when He told them that they were going to face challenges, but that they can overcome these challenges. This is what Pastor Vickylextar reminded us during last Sunday’s service. As we follow Yeshua, we will all face challenges. But as long as we keep our faith in God and do His will, we will also overcome these challenges. God knows every detail about us, and He cares much more. When…

Call onto Him and He will show us great things (by Tendo)

Call onto Him and He will show us great things On Sunday, we had a unique service where we prayed for one another and ourselves. Pastor Vickylextar also took the opportunity to share important aspects of prayer with us to help us better understand what prayer is and improve our prayer lives. Pastor Vickylextar started by sharing Jeremiah 33:2-3. Here, Adonai, our creator, is giving us an invitation to pray. And He will show us hidden things or incredible things…

Faith Without Works Is Dead (by Lissa)

Faith Without Works Is Dead During our service on Sunday, November 7, Pastor Vickylextar shared on the topic of faith in action. She shared that “faith comes from what is heard” (Romans 10:17) in the same way fear comes from what is heard. She shared on being mindful of what we watch and hear as they can either bring faith or cause fear. We are bombarded by information daily, especially online. This was a great reminder for me to pay…

Valuing What I Have in My Hands (by Genevive)

Valuing What I Have in My Hands I have had a yo-yo year. At times I felt like things were good when they really weren’t. Life was falling apart and I didn’t even see it. My heart was broken into so many pieces and I had to choose; it was a matter of life and death. I could dwell in my circumstances or choose life and allow Abba Father to heal and restore me. I felt like a complete failure,…

Humbling Myself (by Pastor Denis)

Humbling Myself Pastor Vickylextar gave us another message that hit home – they all do but some more closely than others. She clearly said that her messages aren’t targeting one or two persons but all of us. The scripture she gave us (1 Peter 5) mentions both young and old, so that covers pretty much everyone who attended the service and reads the bible! This scripture teaches a strong behaviour lesson by saying that God is opposed to the proud, the…

I Know Who I am (by Mercy)

I know who I am “I know who I am.” I have heard this powerful phrase many times since becoming a member of Crosspointe Ministries. It is loaded with so much confidence and assurance! It can also be challenging and perplexing if you are someone who never really took the time to ask yourself the seemingly complex question: Who are you? Throughout my life, I was confident of the answer to this loaded statement. Of course, I knew who I was;…

Beware of Miscommunication (by Sydney)

beware of Miscommunication The message, as told Sunday, was to be aware of how destructive miscommunication can be. We need to make sure we always gain enough context before ever judging or speaking on a matter. Many people can try to skew situations or issues to suit to view they want to present or their ego, and it can cause problems in relationships. This can also happen when someone disregards the other point of view in any situation; they now…

The Power of the Presence of God in You (by Theo)

The Power of the Presence of God in You Sunday’s message touched on “who God is to us.” It taught us that God loves us, and He is always with us. We must be trusting and confident in our relationship with God, so we can always count on Him. He’s got us and will never forsake us, and even on occasions when we fall, He will lift us quickly.   It comes down to our theme: “What do you believe?”…