I Know Who I am (by Mercy)

I Know Who I am (by Mercy)

I know who I am

“I know who I am.”

I have heard this powerful phrase many times since becoming a member of Crosspointe Ministries. It is loaded with so much confidence and assurance! It can also be challenging and perplexing if you are someone who never really took the time to ask yourself the seemingly complex question: Who are you? Throughout my life, I was confident of the answer to this loaded statement. Of course, I knew who I was; I knew my heritage, religion, values, strengths, needs, and even my lineage. But did I really know who I was?  I recently discovered that I was still on the quest to find out who I am, in my 34 years of life.

I am realizing more and more that who I am has less to do with my biosocial makeup and has much more to do with Whose I am.  Knowing that I am a child of God, loved and valued by my Father, gives me greater confidence than anything I could ever achieve on my own. When the world and the enemy try to deceive me with lies and fallacies, I can turn to the Word of God for a fact check: I am a child of The Most High God, I am a woman of valour, I am a royal diadem, I am precious in His sight, I am valued, and most of all, I am loved. And because I am all of these, I am also called to be an ambassador of God’s love, to sow good seeds into my own life and the lives of others, to leave behind a lasting legacy for future generations.  

Knowing who I am reminded me that I have been called to live a life that is holy, pleasing and acceptable to my Father, and that He has already equipped me to do good and will help me along the way when I stumble. He wants me to succeed and is rooting for me every step of the way. He has also surrounded me with a fantastic community of believers on whom I can rely.

At times I find myself wondering if I am walking in line with my true identity and if I am really making God proud. To help me in this process, I have heeded Pastor Vickylextar’s call to take a daily inventory of my actions each night and ask myself if they were pleasing to God or if they were merely to gratify my flesh. This has helped me become more self-aware and accountable for my actions. For me, nothing is more rewarding than to hear at the end of each day, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” This is what I strive for!

– Mercy, September 21, 2021


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