Posts from 2021 (Page 4)

Posts from 2021 (Page 4)

You Can Channel Your Doubts! (by Gina)

You can channel your Doubts! This Sunday’s message reminded me of our theme of the year … …WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE! Since the beginning of the year, I have been confronted by this phrase, every time a challenge came, insecurities rose, and disappointment struck. I had to fight the doubts that bombarded my thoughts. I had to remember why I made certain choices and the certainty I had then. I even had to think about it when I was planning…

Ask Yourself: “What do I believe?” (by Pastor Sandra)

Ask yourself: “What do I believe?” Sunday’s message was a reminder that God is a good Father who loves us, helps us and gives us success. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy; that’s his job. We were reminded that Job was in a painful season and no longer walking in faith but rather in sin. That’s how he opened the door to the devil and was attacked. Then as Job’s world was turned upside down, Job turned his…

Will Your Anchor Hold? (by Pastor David)

Will Your Anchor Hold? Our series on faith starting this month has been a refreshing reminder of the need to be well grounded in Christ, deepen my personal relationship with Him and be wary of the noise and distractions that undermine our faith. There is a persistent false doctrine based on a scripture in the 1st book of Job alluding to the belief that God gives and takes away. We learned that clearly, Job made this utterance and much worse…

In Whom is my Faith? (by Mercy)

In Whom is my Faith? “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Fear also comes by hearing. To what are you choosing to listen? Today, fear seems to be one of the most common emotions we face as we grapple with the various effects of a global pandemic, an uncertain economy, and social and political injustices worldwide.  Every day, we are bombarded with a myriad of bad news.  With all that is going on…

Whom Do You Believe? (by Sidney)

Whom Do You Believe? Sunday, May 9, Pastor Vickylextar preached about the concept of “whom do you believe?”. It allowed for reflection on whether we prioritize ourselves or other gods when we act or whether we allow Christ to live through us. It reminded me to check in with God for everything and to cut out any excuses I have. We are to live the way Christ did, perfectly.    She also spoke about doubting and faith, explaining that doubts…

The Surpassing Greatness of God (by Theophilus)

The Surpassing Greatness of God This Sunday’s message provided me with a deeper insight into “who I am” and “where I am” as a New Man (a new creation in Christ). I am not just human anymore because, by grace, the value of God is in me. I am now conscious that I possess the precious treasure of Christ in me, which must show the surpassing (excellent and incomparable) greatness of God’s power in me.  I am excited about the…

God’s Surpassing Greatness in my Life (by Sabrena)

God’s Surpassing Greatness in my Life This past Sunday’s service was on the surpassing greatness that lives in us, believers. What resonated with me was that I need to acknowledge and be conscious of God’s great power within me.  Practically, this means trusting and submitting to Him. I’m going to apply this word by opening my heart to the plans of God. A part of my heart is closed to letting Him have His way because of the fear of what…

Am I Truly Walking in the Spirit? (by Easterlene)

Am I Truly Walking in the Spirit? Sunday’s service called ‘Walk in the Spirit’ was based on Galatians 5. In the message, Pastor Vickylextar stressed the need for Christians to walk in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit can be done through reading the word, believing the word and living it. She made it known to us that the flesh always turns to fight against the Spirit. This is because we put so many things above God. After pondering over the…

Walk in the Spirit (by Chiraene)

Walk in the Spirit Sunday’s service called ‘Walk in the Spirit’ was based on Galatians 5, and I’m certain that there was something in the message for everyone. What stood out for me was how much Pastor Vickylextar emphasized the importance of renewing our minds to align them with the spirit of God in us. This message could not have come at a better time because I was at a point where I was struggling to accept the truth that…

A little leaven leavens the whole lump. (by Alvin)

A little leaven leavens the whole lump. The part of this week’s service that spoke to me the most was when we discussed compromise within the church and its individuals. I was reminded that as an individual and as a church, we need to step up and defend the integrity of our faith through our personal faith walk and not by condemning others. We see a lot of compromise within the church in general, not specifically Crosspointe. It reminded me…

Stand Fast (by Nadeige)

Stand Fast Galatians 5:1 says: Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Freedom is defined as having “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” Yeshua has given such freedom by His sacrifice, for us to choose, think freely. In 2 Timothy 1:7, it says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear…

It’s a Wonderful Thing (by Zach)

It’s a Wonderful Thing In this week’s sermon, Pastor Vickylextar started wrapping up her message by saying: Beloved children of God. It’s a wonderful thing to be a child of God. It’s a wonderful thing to be a child of a loving God!  Our Father Yahweh is not only loving, but He is perfect, constant, pure and Love; and Scripture says that, as beloved children, we should be imitators of Him. Like Father, like sons. And Yeshua said that it…