God’s Surpassing Greatness in my Life (by Sabrena)

God’s Surpassing Greatness in my Life (by Sabrena)

God’s Surpassing Greatness in my Life

This past Sunday’s service was on the surpassing greatness that lives in us, believers. What resonated with me was that I need to acknowledge and be conscious of God’s great power within me. 

Practically, this means trusting and submitting to Him. I’m going to apply this word by opening my heart to the plans of God. A part of my heart is closed to letting Him have His way because of the fear of what He will ask me to do. But it is about acknowledging Christ within me, trusting that He’s got me and that He will equip me every step of the way. 
Another word for surpassing is outstanding and incomparable. I want to see God’s surpassing greatness in my life, which means not leaning on my own understanding and trusting Him even more. I am up for the challenge!

– Sabrena, May 3, 2021


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