Am I Truly Walking in the Spirit? (by Easterlene)

Am I Truly Walking in the Spirit? (by Easterlene)

Am I Truly Walking in the Spirit?

Sunday’s service called ‘Walk in the Spirit’ was based on Galatians 5. In the message, Pastor Vickylextar stressed the need for Christians to walk in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit can be done through reading the word, believing the word and living it.

She made it known to us that the flesh always turns to fight against the Spirit. This is because we put so many things above God.

After pondering over the message for some time, I concluded that I am not walking in the Spirit as I thought. I read the word, believe it but do not live it. Allowing things of the flesh to crucify the spirit means I am not walking in the Spirit.

There is the need to renew one’s mind according to His word. Challenges will definitely come our way but it’s our duty to walk in His word when they come. Despite the challenges that we go through in life it is very important that we do not allow circumstances and humanity to control us. By doing so we can all walk in the Spirit.

– Easterlene, May 1, 2021


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