Posts by webmaster (Page 6)

Posts by webmaster (Page 6)

True lover of God! (by Pastor Carole)

Believe the best! Praise and Worship were explained to us at our past Sunday celebration. It was such a different celebration: with songs and testimonies, it was really great! Praise and Worship at church are beautiful, but I also understand that my life is to be a life of praise and worship: my focus on God and all that He has done for the whole world, for others around me, for me, is key. I think about all of His…

Moving Forward with His Strength (by Pastor Sandra)

Moving Forward with His Strength Last Sunday’s message continued to reinforce our theme for the year, “Great expectation! What do you believe?” concerning the parable of the sower in Matthew 13.  As we were reminded about who we are, some interesting facts stood out to me: God has given me His power; His presence is with me; We are not here by accident, but God himself carefully planned and created me. I reflected on these statements that I believe and…

What Do You Believe? (part 2) (by Pastor David)

What Do You Believe? (part 2) Our theme for the year 2021, ‘Great Expectations, What do you Believe’, is coming alive in teachings thus far. I have come to understand, and I grounded myself in the fact that my actions reflect my beliefs, and as such, if I proclaim to be born of God and a Christian, then my actions and deeds have to reflect this belief. To be Christian is to be Christ-like and inherently bearing the fruit of…

The Truth of What We Believe (by Lisa)

The truth of what we believe Last Sunday, we heard about Thomas and his doubts about Yeshua’s resurrection, as he was not present when He appeared to the disciples. It was interesting to put ourselves in their shoes, thinking about what they were most likely expecting and how things turned out. Yeshua was their leader, their friend, and the Son of God who came to deliver them from evil; what wonderful news that was for them living under Rome’s cruel…

Respond in Belief! (by Pastor Denis)

Respond in Belief! Last Sunday, Pastor Jonathan’s message reminded me of a feeling I sometimes must deal with. Whether it’s about people, finance, health or myself, there’s always a time when that uncertainty creeps into my mind. Many experts will say that it’s normal for people to have doubts, alright, but what’s important is how we deal with them. True Christians must not forget that we have strong beliefs, and that makes us perfect targets for the enemy who is…

Believe the Best! (by Pastor Carole)

Believe the best! The message we received this past Sunday was about the sower’s parable, and the key question was: What do you believe?  As well, we were told that 2021 is a year of great expectations.  When you believe something, it’s because you have first made a DECISION to believe that ‘’thing’’.  It’s interesting to look at the process of believing. Mine starts with HEARING (could be reading too), then THINKING, then making a DECISION about BELIEVING or not,…

What do you believe? (by Sabrina)

What do you believe? What do you believe? That is the question that drives our decisions; it determines success because what we ultimately believe, we perceive it as truth. Not too long ago, I found myself questioning if I would one day receive one of the desires of my heart. All too many times, I found myself being tossed to and fro in unbelief; “Will I really receive it? No, I probably won’t, but it’s okay, I’m okay with that…

Peace be Still (by Pastor David)

Peace be Still In reflecting on Sunday’s teaching, I was reminded of the story of Yeshua and the disciples in Mark 4:37-41. In this encounter, Yeshua and the disciples were crossing to the other side of the lake when confronted with a storm. Mind you, some with Him were fisherfolk and adept to storms on the lake and yet still they panicked. Dare I say that their panic was inflamed because their leader and great miracle worker was asleep during…

God’s Love Never Fails! (by Nadeige)

God’s Love Never Fails! In 1 Corinthians 13:8, it is written: Love never fails. But what exactly does that mean? As l listened to Sunday’s message by pastor Vickylextar Sowah on God’s Perfect Love, I experienced a deeper understanding of its meaning. God’s love NEVER fails! Emphasis on NEVER. God’s love is guaranteed to work; it won’t fail you; it’s a sure thing. God’s word is His bond. He is Holy. It is impossible for God to lie. – Hebrews…

True Forgiveness (by Zach)

True Forgiveness In this week’s sermon, Pastor Vickylextar shared that unforgiveness is not part of who she is. Period. I really think this is profound because we are called to walk in true forgiveness and cannot fulfill our purpose to be transformed in His image without forgiveness. She also shared her decision to forgive everyone who will ever do wrong against her. I believe this is the true Christian’s perspective on the matter. It also makes the process of forgiving…

More than Conquerors – A Love story (by Pastor Iris)

More than Conquerors – A Love story December 31st, 2019… a frosty, snowy night, yet there’s great jubilation in the air! The year 2020 – Vision 2020 – is finally an eve away! 2019 came with such heartache, but our eyes were filled with such great excitement in anticipation of what is to come as we gladly waved goodbye to what had been a tough yet miraculous year. Then, we heard it! Theme of the year 2020: “We are more…

Jealousy Is Not Our Friend (by Lisa)

Jealousy Is Not Our Friend Thinking about the parable of the day labourers we heard from this week (Matthew 20: 1-16), I reflected a lot on what influences us to compare ourselves. What leads us to compare ourselves to each other and harbour jealousy in our hearts?  In the parable, all the workers agreed on a salary with the master before they started working, yet there were grumbles among them when they received what was promised. Looking closer, we can…