What do you believe? (by Sabrina)

What do you believe? (by Sabrina)

What do you believe?

What do you believe? That is the question that drives our decisions; it determines success because what we ultimately believe, we perceive it as truth. Not too long ago, I found myself questioning if I would one day receive one of the desires of my heart. All too many times, I found myself being tossed to and fro in unbelief; “Will I really receive it? No, I probably won’t, but it’s okay, I’m okay with that result.” But the truth was that I wasn’t okay; I didn’t want to be disappointed.

It’s funny how it’s easier to believe in something bad rather than something good. Maybe it’s due to all of the unpleasantries we see, but why do we not allow ourselves to remember all of the positives? That’s not a fair representation of the truth. The Author of good is genuine and present; He is truly faithful! So, I’ve decided to commit to believing God; that’s it; it’s as simple as that. This is similar to an individual wholeheartedly committing to completing something deemed difficult; the promise to that commitment allows them to endure when they want to give up. I choose to COMMIT to believing God’s Word and His promises for me, despite what I see or feel.

I’ve often wondered what the secret was to being unshakable and unmovable, and I believe it is commitment. Precisely, the commitment to believe God and to take Him at His word. Thoughts of doubt will come, but then that’s when we are meant to hold on even tighter to that commitment. It’s much like the root that holds tight to the seed. As I press on, I get closer and closer to that fruit, and it will surely come!

So, what do you believe?


– Sabrina, January 5, 2021

One Comment

  1. Lisa

    Loved that read, Sabrena, thank you for sharing vulnerably with us. Yes, I believe commitment is definitely key to be unshakable. 🙂

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