What Do You Believe? (part 2) (by Pastor David)

What Do You Believe? (part 2) (by Pastor David)

What Do You Believe? (part 2)

Our theme for the year 2021, ‘Great Expectations, What do you Believe’, is coming alive in teachings thus far. I have come to understand, and I grounded myself in the fact that my actions reflect my beliefs, and as such, if I proclaim to be born of God and a Christian, then my actions and deeds have to reflect this belief. To be Christian is to be Christ-like and inherently bearing the fruit of the Spirit.

Real belief is that which does not change even when put to the test through trials and tribulation.

The story of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis highlights this fact. When their belief was tested in the garden of Eden, they took the enemy’s bait, believed the lie and bore the consequences thereafter. Contrary to the Adam and Eve example, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, in the book of Daniel (chapter 3), lived their belief even in the face of great adversity and a raging fire.

I look forward to this year and beyond as I interrogate, examine and ground my belief in God without making excuses. I look forward to continue working out my salvation and ensuring that my belief in Him is not based on sensory evidence but true knowledge and relationship with God. As the scripture states in Mathew 6:33, I am assured that as I continually seek the kingdom and God’s righteousness (with no excuses), my desires will be fulfilled accordingly. As Christ’s ambassadors, let us be assured and firm in belief that the fullness of God dwells in us (Ephesians 3:19), His love poured in us (Romans 5:5) and that He leads us to triumph (2 Corinthians 2:14). May we continue to walk the narrow path in love, eschewing the sins that easily entangle us as we press on in faith.

– Pastor David, January 21, 2021

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