More than Conquerors – A Love story (by Pastor Iris)

More than Conquerors – A Love story (by Pastor Iris)

More than Conquerors – A Love story

December 31st, 2019… a frosty, snowy night, yet there’s great jubilation in the air! The year 2020 – Vision 2020 – is finally an eve away!

2019 came with such heartache, but our eyes were filled with such great excitement in anticipation of what is to come as we gladly waved goodbye to what had been a tough yet miraculous year.

Then, we heard it! Theme of the year 2020: “We are more than conquerors, and We are called to be extraordinary!” We sang, “How great is our God.” Danced to “He has given me victory.” Sounds of joy bounced in from different directions in the room. Hugs and kisses were in excess.

Whoa, What a theme?!! I am more than a conqueror and called to be extraordinary!!!

Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes??🤔

Wait… you mean I have to conquer some things to be more than a conqueror? I have to overcome my ordinary ways and step up to be extraordinary?

How? But I am not strong enough. What if I fail? How will I know I overcame? Is this a test?

These were simple yet profound questions that we had to face all through the year, and many a time, it brought up more fear…until the love story started to become clearer and clearer.

The true mark of an overcomer is knowing and understanding that God loves them, and in turn, they choose to love Him back!!

Picture the wonderful confidence you feel when you fall in love with someone and know that they are, without a shadow of a doubt, just as in love with you – but even more this time! You feel like together you can conquer the world!

It finally clicked.

This is the real “us against the world” and “you complete me” adages we hear in all the so-called romantic movies.

I understood – deeper than before –  that God is so much in love with us; HE poured this love in us. Now the ball is in our court to choose to love Him in return. It is this acknowledgment and decision that makes us true overcomers.

In other words, I have finally come to a place of finality that no matter what comes my way, His love will never fail me. He is with me. He goes before me. He fights for me. He strengthens me. He chastens me. He will never leave me. He will never forsake me. He teaches me. He guides me. He protects me. HE LOVES ME!!

We made it through 2020. Praise God!!

At times it was tough, uncertain and even in some cases scary, but praise God, there was restoration, healing, sustainment, and many more blessings that are truly beyond words.

We are indeed more than conquerors not by might or prowess but because of His Love.

As pastor Vickylextar emphatically concluded in Sunday’s message,

God’s love is not a weak, mushy thing. It is a love that breaks every barrier, stronghold, and anything that stands against that which is not of Him. It is strong and powerful yet it is subject to our will and it is our choice to walk in it or not.

The decision is all yours. What do you choose?

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.” – ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬

– Pastor Iris, December 22, 2020


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