God’s Love Never Fails! (by Nadeige)

God’s Love Never Fails! (by Nadeige)

God’s Love Never Fails!

In 1 Corinthians 13:8, it is written:

Love never fails.

But what exactly does that mean?

As l listened to Sunday’s message by pastor Vickylextar Sowah on God’s Perfect Love, I experienced a deeper understanding of its meaning. God’s love NEVER fails! Emphasis on NEVER. God’s love is guaranteed to work; it won’t fail you; it’s a sure thing. God’s word is His bond. He is Holy.

It is impossible for God to lie. – Hebrews 6:18

Therefore, you can trust it. But as I ponder on it and reflected on my personal experience of God’s love. I realized it took me too long to trust His word and truly open my heart to His love because of past painful experiences. The moment I opened my heart to His agape love, that’s when I began to experience its true power. I became alive. My insecurities begin to fall, past pain healed, I was able to forgive myself and others. I finally truly knew deep within my soul that I was loved. Which means I matter. I’m of value. The miracle of love took place within me, and I loved God and others in truth. Oh, what a gift, it tastes so good, there’s no words to describe it, what a freedom from selfishness, self-hate, jealousy, boiling anger, envy, unforgiveness, hurts, pains, addictions…  

Pastor Vickylextar shared in Sunday’s message, “Love is such a powerful thing. Love is a fighter, and it fought for and you and me.”  She ended the service with an invitation to dare open our heart to God’s love, allowing it to strengthen us, heal us from losses of people we love, heal from all of our insecurities and so forth. God’s perfect love will NEVER fail you; you can trust it to do its work within you.

– Nadeige, December 28, 2020

One Comment

  1. Dane

    It’s such a simple plan that it’s unbelievable, but if we all just loved each other we would solve all the problems we find in the world today.8

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