True Disciple! (by Gina)

True Disciple! (by Gina)

True Disciple!

This Sunday, we were privileged to hear from our Graduates of the Discipleship Class of 2020. As I listened to them, share summaries of what they learned and the testimonies of the positive impact this 6 weeks class had on their lives. I teared up with joy, for I know that their lives will never be the same as they continue on this path.  

…Yeshua said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:31-32

They were a diverse group, from different generations, countries and cultures. They have had different walks with God, some new in the faith, and come from different church experiences.  They had one thing in common, an open heart to learning about the truth of God’s word!  That reminded me that I need to continue to have an open heart and to check myself regularly.  It can be easy to become complaisant!

Their stories touched me in different ways, but those who expressed how these teachings helped them renew their view of the Church coming from past negative experiences and those who expressed how they were finally in a place where they could openly speak of the truths like the real name of Jesus which is Yeshua and the truth behind some of the holidays stood out.  So many are out there waiting for me to be more unapologetic when it comes to sharing the truth of God. It challenged me to remain available for God to use as he pleases to reach those seeking Him in truth. Here are a few more points that stood out for me.

Love With an AGAPE Love!

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35

I was reminded of the most important type of Love is AGAPE love!  That Love is Sacrificial. In the past, I have struggled with this one because I didn’t think it was fair. I struggled with the feeling of being taken for granted or feeling like a doormat, a victim for always making the sacrifices in certain situations or relationships. My mind had to be renewed. I’m not 100%, but I’m way better than before. If I make it about God and not about self, it actually feels great to do what is required of me because this type of Love doesn’t expect anything in return. It just cares about doing what God says, according to His will and His word.

As a Disciple, I have responsibilities!

I was reminded that a true disciple has a responsibility to walk the talk.  To be an Imitator of Christ. My actions should reflect Christ. Those who come in contact with me should see me walking as Christ did in the way I react to situations, how I talk, and the decisions I make. Especially the next generation, they are always looking.

My #1 Calling is to be CHRISTLIKE

I was one who’s identity was attached to a calling until I learned that my calling is to be Christlike. Those roles and titles were filling a void, and it was so hard to let them go. I thought that they would make me happy and content. Well, when I actually got them, I realized that the feeling of fulfillment doesn’t last because I wasn’t strong in Him. Now I know My Identity in Him is far more important than what was happening on the outside. Allowing God to transform me to His image daily has been a true journey that I have been privileged to walk in, especially in 2020! 

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:1

That is a scripture that our dear Pastor Vickylextar often shares with us. I’ve watched her into so many, and watching the result in this group of graduates, It was a reminder for me to keep on being available for God to use me to reconcile his children to Him. It’s not about ME!

How about you? are you allowing God to use you for His children?

Let’s RISE to the occasion. Others have done it for us!

– Gina, December 7, 2020


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