True Forgiveness (by Zach)

True Forgiveness (by Zach)

True Forgiveness

In this week’s sermon, Pastor Vickylextar shared that unforgiveness is not part of who she is. Period. I really think this is profound because we are called to walk in true forgiveness and cannot fulfill our purpose to be transformed in His image without forgiveness. She also shared her decision to forgive everyone who will ever do wrong against her.

I believe this is the true Christian’s perspective on the matter. It also makes the process of forgiving much easier. You don’t have to stop and think, analyze the offensiveness of what the other person did, and then decide to forgive. Taking offence is quite bothersome and draining in reality. ‘Predetermined’ forgiveness is bliss in comparison. So, I endeavour to walk in forgiveness and decide that no one owes me a thing from now on. 

I gather that true forgiveness isn’t centred on what others did or deserve, but rather on what Christ did for us and what we freely received from Him. If we don’t accept God’s forgiveness for others, we can’t really accept it for ourselves either (Matthew 6:14-15). Forgiveness is simply vital to our walk with God; it’s the foundation of the Christian Faith. May forgiveness be our pursuit. When we truly walk in forgiveness, we also live as more than conquerors; when we forgive others, we are free from the burden of unforgiveness and bitterness. This is the position of strength and freedom found only in Christ Yeshua. 

Yeshua even said on the Cross:

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. – Luke 23:34

I want to cultivate such a profound compassion, knowing that people who intentionally harm us don’t truly understand what they are doing—because they do not know the Love of God, who His children are, and who they were meant to be (1 John 4:8). Since our purpose is to be found in His image (Romans 8:29; Genesis 1:26-27), true forgiveness and love is who we were meant to be. Period.

Since He freely forgave me, I choose to freely forgive also.

– Zach, December 25, 2020


  1. Dawn

    This is amazing, I needed to be reminded that no one owes me anything. And that forgiveness has to become a life style.
    Thanks Zach.

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