Being of Service to God – Making the Right Choice (by Theophilus)

Being of Service to God – Making the Right Choice (by Theophilus)

Being of service to God – making the right choice

Last Sunday’s message from the Book of Romans 12 was great. It reminded me that I have a purpose on earth, and if I make the right choice, God can establish His perfect will through me. On the surface, this appears to be a tall order, but if God said it, it is always possible. I also know that if I continue to renew my mind in holiness, through love and faith rooted in obedience, I will remove fear, limitations and doubt, as God is my refuge and strength in all situations.

I allow myself to fulfill God’s desires by being of service to God.

While I was meditating on the scripture and the message, a couple of things ministered to me:

  1. How can you be of service to God and be proof of God’s perfect will? I had to examine how well I am bearing the fruits of the Spirit. When I am served on a platter, will the aroma and the taste provide a flavour of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control when added to humility? I have some more work to do. Thankfully, there is abundant grace to see me through.
  2. It was refreshing to remember that God has given me a gift to serve and contribute to the body of Christ. I have always struggled to find out what God has gifted me to use. Now I know I will not find this in my strength and knowledge, but instead by walking in faith and humility, being holy. In doing so, I will know God’s will and serve Him and His people. As I work on my spiritual growth, I will also work on my enthusiasm and devotion in using my gift to serve the Lord.

man standing in the middle of woods at an intersection between a dark path and a brighter path

God never ceases to amaze me, and I thought I would add this to give Him glory: As I was preparing up this blog, I received an unexpected call from an individual who is a Christian but was quite distressed. As soon as I understood the issue, I knew the person could benefit from making the right choice.

Drawing from a personal experience, I acknowledged that the person’s issue could be excruciating. I shared my painful personal experience on the subject and how I had to renew my mind and trust more of God to fight these types of battles and by making the right choice. Hearing my experience brought the person some comfort, and they said they needed to be “thick-skinned.” Of course, I have not seen the word “thick-skinned” in the bible yet, but I know that can only be sustainable through Godly “choices.” This conversation opened the door for us to review Romans 12, which we both benefitted from. God’s word lifted the burden, and the person was – still is – very grateful. As for me, I realized the power of exercising self-control in genuine empathy to the situation while I wait for God’s wisdom. Self-control is an area under improvement for me, but displaying this fruit of the Spirit allowed the individual to tap into their Christian belief and self-reflect on personal choices before applying the word effectively.

I will continue to allow God to transform me to be of service.


– Theophilus, March 3, 2022


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