Understanding 1 Timothy 2: Context is Everything (by Sabrena)

Understanding 1 Timothy 2: Context is Everything (by Sabrena)

understanding 1 Timothy 2: context is everything

We’ve been studying the book of 1st Timothy and on Sunday we had the opportunity to ask our questions regarding chapter 1 Timothy 2.

I was grateful for this dedicated time because I had some serious questions that I needed answers to.

I’ve always had a problem with Chapter 2. Despite my admiration for Paul, his comments came across as misogynistic. I could never understand or rationalize them. Specifically, when he speaks about how a woman should dress, or how they should be silent.

Then, Pastor Vicklextar and Pastor Jonathan spoke about context. It was a lightbulb moment for me. The book of Timothy was a letter Paul wrote in response to issues specific to the church at Ephesus. When Paul was writing, he was speaking to that situation.

Not reading in context is so dangerous – context is everything. That’s how false doctrine is created. What also helped me realize the context was that Paul said that “…there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Messiah Yeshua” (Galatians 3:28). We are all one. So that means that he doesn’t think or expect less of a woman. This further proves the context of 1Timothy 2. It is just one example of many scriptures that could be taken out of context. Again, context is everything.

Ultimately, when I misinterpreted something in the past, it created doubt. Is God really good all the time? Am I worth “less” because I’m a woman?

God is good, that is His nature, period. His Word will never contradict that. It’s so liberating to trust Him completely and to remember that His thoughts for me are good.

So, my outlook has changed. If a scripture seems to contradict God’s nature, I will remember to ask for the verse’s context and who the recipient was!

– Sabrena, February 23, 2202


  1. Lisa

    Amen! Thanks for sharing Sabrena, context is really super important! Without it, we can easily be misled ending up with doubts that wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for the missing context. It was a nice read! 😁🙌🏾

  2. Genevive Acquaye

    Thank you Sabrina. This was a great read. We should never just read out of context, raher take the time to study and ask the holy spirit to help us understand

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