Do you really want to be in the Lord’s army?(by Zach)

Do you really want to be in the Lord’s army?(by Zach)

do you really want to be in the Lord’s army?

Pastor Vickylextar shared a strong message during the second service of 2022, calling us to examine ourselves and review the past year seriously and sincerely. She led us in personal reflections with simple yet profound, critical questions that all Christians should consider. Among these, we were asked:

Do you really want to be in the Lord’s army?

A lot of Christians would feel the need to automatically answer yes to that interrogation, giving the ‘correct’ answer without really evaluating if it is true for them. I’ve done that many times myself, but this is probably the last thing anyone should do when prompted with this question. I strongly recommend to anyone reading this to take the time to listen (or re-listen) to the full message to ensure to understand who members of the Lord’s army truly are. We must count the cost, let’s not deceive ourselves.

For a big part of last year, I had been centred on my own self, marriage, studies, and career, relaying my role in His army to a secondary priority. But recently, I’ve felt an urge to make a difference with my life, to really serve Christ and leave a legacy behind that will speak for eternity. It’s a sobering thought to remember I will stand before Him and account for my life in the end. I want to hear Him say “well done”.

At this point, I’m not certain of the specific roles I may play in the future, but I know I want to serve in His army of redeemed and selfless soldiers that live for His love. Nonetheless, I feel like I’ve only started my reflections and need much more time to examine myself and do justice to the truth that God calls me to. If you read this, please also take the time to consider the true desires of your heart. “Do you really want to be in the Lord’s army?” As for me, I will serve Yeshua because He loved me and gave His Life to redeem me!

– Zach, January 12, 2022


  1. David

    Thanks Zach for the refresher. It comes down to a choice to serve in the Lords army and a zeal be a professional soldier irrespective of your role.

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