Being Faithful in the little things

Being Faithful in the little things

Being faithful in the little things

Last Sunday, we received an excellent message based on the Parable of minas in Luke 19:11-27). Pastor Vickylextar challenged us to ask ourselves what motivates us to be faithful in little things.
She reminded us that just like the master in the Parable of minas, Christ will return. When He does, we will have to be accountable for what He has given us. It is our responsibility to make sure we are not like the servant who hid what the master gave him, with the excuse that the master was a wicked man who expected to reap where he did not sow. 
I never saw myself as someone who saw God as wicked enough to reap where He did not sow. After Pastor Vickylextar explained the parable further, I understood that I was like that servant. I’ve often felt like some of the things that God asked of me were too big of a challenge. How could “little me” accomplish such a big task? But what I realized after this message was that God has sown in me everything I need to accomplish anything He asks of me. Thinking that I cannot achieve it would be like taking His blessing and hiding it under a rock when He expects me to put it to use and multiply it. This has truly changed my perspective on the importance of trust and obedience.
What does it mean to be faithful in little things?  I learned that ”being faithful in the little things” means to show trust and obedience to God in all circumstances, even when – especially when – I don’t think I am able to accomplish something.

Woman alone facing the sea and reflecting on the importance of trust and obedience and being faithful in the little things.

I am responsible for being obedient, not for bringing a result. In His infinite knowledge, God is taking care of the result because He knows how His will can come to pass. 
I started my week excited to put this word in action. Sure enough, an opportunity quickly presented itself. I was challenged to let go of some of my desires and take on a deadline to accomplish a project, and immediately I felt fear and asked myself “How will I be able to do it?”. After the meeting, God reminded me of His message to remain faithful and obedient, and to not worry about the result. Focusing on this word, I was quickly able to shift away from fear and put things in action to help me accomplish the task at hand.
This was a timely message and I’m excited to walk in it as I complete my assignment!

– Stephanie, April 29, 2022


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