Shattered Dreams

Shattered Dreams

shattered dreams
Recently, we were invited by our pastor to present in a creative way, a presentation of our shattered dreams. Initially, I shied away from this assignment, as I felt I had already laid out all of my past hurt and disappointments to the church on more than one occasion. Moreover, I am typically a reserved person and I don’t consider myself to be much of a creative. It wasn’t until God showed me specific wounds that were still in need of healing that I decided to yield to this assignment. Initially, I was unsure of where to begin and in which manner to present so what did I do?
I asked the Holy Spirit to show me specifically what He wanted me to share and exactly how to share my shattered dreams.  I figured, since I am made in His image, I must have some creativity in me as well. Without a doubt, God came through and the ideas began to flow as the tears poured down. It was then that I realized that this assignment had very little to do with how creative I was and much more to do with my willingness to allow God to take me further along my healing journey.

Women alone facing her shattered dreams and wanting healing

I discovered that there are often layers to our healing and God was calling me to go deeper into my innermost thoughts that are usually hidden from the outside world. I realized that it was okay for me to acknowledge that although I have been healed from many wounds, that there were still some parts of me that needed some extra care and attention. I was reminded that Our Heavenly Father is not afraid of our emotions; even the ones that may seem overwhelming to us because He created those too.  Indeed, He is our Comforter who is ready to comfort and heal us every single time we open our hearts to Him in truth. If we let Him, He will transform our shattered dreams (and for some, shattered lives) into beautiful, incredible masterpieces. 

Pastor Mercy, August 26, 2022


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