'process' Tagged Posts

'process' Tagged Posts

overcome word of testimony

We Overcome by the Word of our Testimony

We overcome by the word of our testimony This past Sunday we were asked the question “ What motivates you to be faithful”?  That question had me stumped for a quick moment until I realized that the only way I have been truly faithful is when pleasing Yahweh has been my motivation.  This leads us to the testimonies we had Sunday which shows us that ”we overcome by the word of our testimony”. Why is it important to overcome by the…

New Creation Process

new creation process  Pastor Clint shared a powerful testimony of his years-long journey to become the man he is today in Sunday’s service. He shared “The New Creation Process” and described the ups and downs he experienced as a rollercoaster of highs and lows in his faith journey. This journey is not only relatable to that of many Christians, including me but is an essential message in these uncertain times. He described his previous struggles with pride and how he…