Parenting (by Pastor Denis)

Parenting (by Pastor Denis)


Last Sunday, I was especially blessed because I received two messages from Pastor David (on parenting and on his personal experience).  The first one was about the importance of good parenting and how it can be difficult, especially when it comes to rebuking our children.  God, our Father, loves us immensely, but sometimes He must correct us because we stray away from His word. Parents nowadays must raise their children competing in a world influencing them through social media, movies, TV, influences from friends and even adults who aren’t godly examples. Fathers -loving Christian fathers- have a responsibility to correct their children lovingly, so they can understand it as a learning experience and not as a punishment.

Pastor David gave us an excellent example of a consequence of bad parenting in 1 Samuel 3:13. Eli avoided rebuking his sons for their behaviour towards God, and as a result, Eli and his house were punished. On the flip side, Pastor David gave us the version of a loving, forgiving father who celebrates the return of his lost son in Luke 15:11-31.

I also learned about Pastor David’s personal experience, his upbringing in Ghana and his arrival in Canada. Thank you, Pastor David, because now I know you a little better and because you demonstrated the importance of positive mentorship. Last Sunday was indeed a fruitful service.


– Pastor Denis, June 24, 2021

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