moving forward
Have you ever looked at your past and wondered how to move forward? Have you ever felt like you can never do enough to prove to people your past is just that, the past? The good news is that you are not alone and there is encouragement for you!
This week during service we explored an event in Luke 7 that spoke about a gathering hosted by a Pharisees in his home. A key person the story focused on was an unpopular woman with a shady past and her act of love for Yeshua. It was tradition in those times for people to walk everywhere they needed to go. I’m sure they didn’t have an issue getting in their 10,000 daily steps! As such, when a guest would arrive at your home, it was customary to greet them with a friendly kiss and wash their feet to welcome them in. Upon Yeshua’s arrival to the Pharisees home, He was not greeted with the fullness of these traditions. However, there was one person that sought to care for Yeshua! As the women knelt down and washed and cleaned the feet of Yeshua with her tears and hair, the act was received with a sharp response from the host. The Pharisee not only condemned the women’s past with a disgusted expression but also brought into question Yeshua! Despite how the crowd of people may have looked upon this interaction, the women pressed on to get to Christ!
The past at times comes into our present but it’s up to us to determine that we will press on and not let anything hold us back for change. People may bring up our past actions, or they can’t see you as you are today, or we may stumble as we grow and may lose faith in ourselves! Are you ready to let all your ways, your past, your thoughts, your behaviors all go to let God change you the way HE wants you? Are you ready to push past the looks of those around you? To be moving forward and towards the call of Yeshua for your life?
All He wants from you is for you to seek Him and never run from Him! He loves you as you are today and will be your helper and comforter along the path. He will be with you every step of the way! Today, my past no longer determines my emotions, my actions, or my love for those around me! Allow God to transform you too and press on!!
Pastor Chrystal, July 28, 2022