Let us Defend our Divine Nature (by Nadeige)

Let us Defend our Divine Nature (by Nadeige)

Let us Defend our Divine Nature

This week’s message was based on 2 Peter 1:10.

Verse 3 says:

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and virtue.

What really resonated with me is that Pastor Vickylextar said we have to “defend our Divine nature and to put our focus on that, instead of the flesh or the old nature.”
It encouraged me to continue to BOLDLY STAND on God’s promises and in who He says I am.

The pastor also spoke about the importance of knowing God intimately rather than just quoting scriptures. My faith was previously based on ‘self’: my abilities and what God can do for me. Now, knowing Him in truth, I realize how crucial and precious it is to have true knowledge of God according to the Word. It’s through knowing God that we get to experience this new life in Him. Life changer!

– Nadeige, August 4, 2021


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