I am who God says I am (by Pastor David)

I am who God says I am (by Pastor David)

I am who God says I am

We have had profound teachings in the past two weeks on Gideon’s story in the book of Judges. Gideon had a misplaced identity of himself based on his perceived reality. He saw himself as the least in his family and tribe.

Despite his circumstance, he chose to believe the good report of the Lord about himself when admonished and walked in obedience to God.

The moral truth is whose report do we believe: the negative circumstances surrounding us or God’s ordained promises?

God has assured us that His grace is sufficient and that we are more than conquerors through Christ. We must choose God’s promises over our circumstances, knowing that when troubles come because of our obedience to God, we shall prevail as we walk in His supernatural peace, the kind that surpasses all understanding.

– Pastor David, March 1, 2021


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