Be Grateful for What You Have (by Tina)

Be Grateful for What You Have (by Tina)

Be Grateful for What You Have

I find that this Sunday’s message was a good reminder to look at what you have instead of what you don’t have.

I’ll share a personal experience:
When I was in Maniwaki, one of my goals was to move to the city and have better things.
I would complain in my mind saying: “I want to move, I wish I had this car, I want this, I want that,” instead of looking at everything God had blessed me with.

Like it was preached in the message, I later realized that it’s easy to fall away when you start to compare and don’t appreciate what you have. What motivates you for the things you do? Is it for personal gain (only to look good), or is it to give God glory?

When I switched my thoughts and started to be truly thankful for what I had, my perspective changed. My situation didn’t change right away, but I enjoyed my life because I was now grateful for what God has given me.
Don’t look at something great as just another “thing” because what you take for granted you can lose…

Be grateful, keep your focus on Him, and you’ll be amazed at what God can do in your life. 🙂

“For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.”
– James 3:16 NIV

– Tina, December 14, 2020

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