A Message of Living Hope (by Tina)

A Message of Living Hope (by Tina)

A Message of Living Hope

Last Sunday’s message was based on the scripture from 1 Peter 1, reminding us that we have been chosen and set apart, and by His great mercy, we have been born again into a living hope.

We read and learned that by trusting God, we are being protected by His power. Trust, however, comes with responsibilities. 

Some questions we should ponder on:

  • Do we pause to ask ourselves why we do the things we do?
  • Do we love God enough to trust Him even if we don’t “see” Him?
  • Are we in a place where our trust in Him fills us with joy that is glorious beyond words?!

Scripture encourages us to rejoice at all times – when things are both good and challenging. Doing so does not mean circumstances will be easy. It doesn’t mean problems should be ignored. Instead, it is a reminder to ourselves of the assurance and peace of God and His presence in us.

Christ has given us an example of how to live and to love! He said, “love one another as I have loved you.”

Let us take our calling seriously. Anyone can say they are born again but have we truly let go of our old selves, and are we now walking and accepting that we are a new creation with God?

We are chosen! We have been empowered to do great things! not by ourselves, but with God in us.
Let us not take it for granted. Let us walk in faith, the kind of faith that is more valuable than gold!

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah! In His great mercy, He caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Messiah Yeshua from the dead.

– 1 Peter 1:3 TLV.  

– Tina, June 17, 2021


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