To Live as Christians (by Emmanuel)

To Live as Christians (by Emmanuel)

To Live as Christians


Sunday’s message was based on 1 Peter 1:1-25. This passage was about how Christians should conduct themselves. It showed me how my actions reflect on Whom I said I believe in and how to conduct myself in adversity. When I did examine myself, I saw that in some situations I did not conduct myself well or remember that I was a child of a God who has chosen me and washed me by His blood, so I need to be obedient to His word.

During the service, a few things really hit home:

  1. My foundation (in Whom I am grounded) is to be filled with the joy of the Lord. Consequently, when the challenges of the world come against me, I am able to overcome them. Bad situations do not come from the Lord, but He helps me to overcome them.

  2. I need to take my calling seriously, I am called for something greater.

  3.  To rejoice is to know you have a living God, to experience His presence, and to hear Him. 

  4. When we are in the same situation for a long time, the question should be why? What part are we playing? Are we still hanging on to old behaviours? Or do we let go and let GOD do the fighting? 

  5. As obedient children of God, we need to stop holding on to the old self. The new self is holy because the God who calls you is holy. This is a life transformation, so when you make a mistake, do your best to change quickly. 

  6. Do you love the Lord? Do your actions reflect that Love? Whatever we do should honour Him. Christ has elevated the standard of Love. Christ has loved us, therefore we should love one another.  

“but the word of the Lord remains forever.” And this word is the good news that was preached to you.” – 1 Peter 1:25, ESV:


– Emmanuel, June 14, 2021


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