The Condition of My Heart (by Vergia)

The Condition of My Heart (by Vergia)

The Condition of My Heart

In my life, it’s been mostly a priority to be healthy, making every effort to eat right and be physically in shape. It’s one thing that I have been passionate about, and I do it out of joy, not as an obligation. Having the goal of overall wellness has been a target to help keep me on target.

In this Sunday’s service, I learnt that the same joy/discipline needs to be in my walk with Christ. There is no better time like now to choose to let God work on my heart for it not to harden. 

Having stumbling blocks such as pride and unbelief can clog my spiritual arteries. These two, for me, have clogged my heart for a long time. I am so thankful I learned that my spiritual health is extremely important, just as I take my health seriously. Being mindful of each daily step is important to my overall spiritual health. 

Each day I have the choice to open my heart and allow God to flow with compassion and not compulsion. That same passion/ desire and discipline I have with health can translate to my walk with Christ. 

Walking in humility, being open to Godly advice and allowing God to take control, I can choose to keep my eyes on the prize that God has graciously given. 

I will continue to reflect on the condition of my heart when I am being corrected. Will I make every effort to remember and humbly change? I have chosen today to be mindful of my heart condition, to have eyes to see, ears to hear and remember what the Lord has done because it’s so easy for it to become hard. 

– Vergia, March 15, 2021


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