Where are you at? (by Pastor Iris)

Where are you at? (by Pastor Iris)

Where are you at?

Happy New Year!!! 2021: The year of great expectations – What do you believe?!!

This was the first year that we were given three(3) scriptures to support our theme of the year.
3 John 2
Phillipians 1:19
Luke 8:5-15

I thought it odd at first because I just could not figure out the link between the three scriptures. The excitement at the time was all on “Great Expectations: Woohoooo… can’t wait!!”

Then as the year progressed, the dots began to connect for me.

Having great expectations is a result of our beliefs (3 John 2). What do we really believe about ourselves, our situations, our status, the God we serve, etc.?

Our beliefs, in my opinion, are shaped by the condition of our hearts (Luke 8:5-15). Are our hearts malleable or are we so set in our ways that nothing penetrates it [our heart]? Do we easily let go of the things that truly do not benefit us or do we hold on tightly to it, even if it is offensive to God?

When our hearts become malleable in the hands of God, we are able to communicate with Him about ourselves, our situations, our statuses and trust Him enough to believe that whatever may come our way, we are not alone. We look out for and uphold each other in prayer (Phillippians 1:19). We rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. We walk in love not because it’s an easy, happy, mushy emotion, but because it challenges us to stretch beyond our comfort zones and make Abba proud in the process. We seek wisdom to make sure the things we do are the things we are called to do, even if it might make us unpopular.

As Pastor frankly shared, we still have a long way to go, yet we are encouraged to press on because the year is not yet over. There’s still room to improve: Praise God!!

So, let’s take some time, reassess our journey so far (where you at?), and see the areas where we need to arise and do just that! ARISE!! (Isaiah 60:1).


– Pastor Iris, August 22, 2021


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