Fully content in Him! (by Pastor Carole)

Fully content in Him! (by Pastor Carole)

Fully content in Him!

This Sunday’s service, we received a great Word and teaching on ”The Secret of Contentment” (Philippians 4:10-19), where the apostle Paul explains that he ”learned to be content”.

I was so happy and relieved to know and understand that full contentment is a learning path, that to be fully content is not a natural thing.

How can I become fully content? For me, it starts by knowing that the Holy Spirit lives in me, that God provides all that I need; it always goes back to “what do I/you believe?”. It is up to me to remember His presence, remember all that He has done for me, give Him thanks, leave all my concerns with Him, love Him, love others, trust, and obey Him. When you realize that you can rely on God in any circumstances and that He is faithful, why would you not be content? Does it mean that I desire nothing? No. Does it mean that I don’t dream anymore? No. Does it mean that I have no “Wants”? No.

But I know and believe that they are not essential. Finally, I believe that what I NEED is/will be provided. I remember that the word says:

My God will fulfill every need of yours according to the riches of His glory in Messiah Yeshua – (Philippians 4:19)

This is a promise! And God is faithful. So I will continue to dream, to have desires, but most importantly, I’ll continue my learning of being fully content in Him. Isn’t it wonderful to be in a place where you know what to do, how to do it and all this because you possess the most important gift you can get in this world, which is the Holy Spirit? I am so happy to continue my path on learning full contentment in Him!! Thank you God!

– Pastor Carole, April 6, 2021


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