Whom Do You Believe? (by Sidney)

Whom Do You Believe? (by Sidney)

Whom Do You Believe?

Sunday, May 9, Pastor Vickylextar preached about the concept of “whom do you believe?”. It allowed for reflection on whether we prioritize ourselves or other gods when we act or whether we allow Christ to live through us. It reminded me to check in with God for everything and to cut out any excuses I have. We are to live the way Christ did, perfectly. 

She also spoke about doubting and faith, explaining that doubts will arise, but the most important thing is not holding on to them. For me, this was a much-needed message because when I experience any doubt, I feel a lot of guilt about it. It was comforting to know that many people experience these doubts, and that they do not define us nor define our faith. Rather, it is what we do with these feelings or thoughts that matter. Letting them go and holding fast to our faith is the most important thing and that’s the lesson I will be applying when these doubts arise. 
Lastly, we focused on Matthew 11:28-30, which says:
Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and ‘you will find rest for your souls.’ For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
Today, many people are weak and burdened, and this is a reminder to look to God for rest. We cannot do it all as humans, but in Christ, we can do all things. It is a message to stop trying to control and handle all of our issues and put our burdens onto Him, and allow Him to guide us and strengthen us. We must humble ourselves before God and take on His yoke, for, with Him, our burdens are lighter because we are not handling them alone. I will reflect on this daily to consciously put my burdens onto Him and ask for help instead of stressing about earthly problems. 

– Sidney, May 11, 2021


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