"Online Service" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)

"Online Service" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)

Sunday, January 3, 2021

What Do You Believe? Today’s message sets the tone for the year! We looked at one of the 3 theme scriptures of the year,  Luke 8:5-15, which speaks of the Sower’s Parable. Pastor Jonathan took us through the parable and presented the 4 possible states of our hearts and how we need to make sure that we evaluate our hearts regularly to ensure that our soil is a good environment for God’s word -the seed- to take root and grow.…

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Walk in God’s Perfect Love Today is the last Sunday of 2020! Pastor Vickylextar continued on this year’s theme: “We are more than conquerors.” Pastor reassured us that despite the challenges, God is still with us. Even when we are waiting on something, we know that he is still God, and we love him. We trust him and hold on to his love. We must learn to love each other as much as God loves us. As Christians, our job…

Sunday, December 20, 2020

We Are Still More Than Conquerors In today’s message, Pastor Vickylextar focuses on the infamous Romans 8! We are encouraged to read the Word in context and focus on the promises found in this powerful passage as true Christians. As we approach the final 11 days of 2020, this passage reminds us that we are more than conquerors through Christ! This year has surely brought with it its fair share of challenges. However, we are reminded that regardless of the…

Sunday, December 13, 2020

What Motivates You? Letting go of jealousy and selfish ambitions  & embracing gratitude.  In today’s message, we looked at the parable of the vineyard in Matthew 20. Yeshua used parables to simplify the topics he was trying to communicate to his audience. This one highlights a topic that is very important even today: gratitude. In the parable,  workers were only dissatisfied with what they had when they compared themselves to the others, just like Cain in Genesis, who only got…

Sunday, December 6, 2020

TRUE DISCIPLESHIP – Denying ourselves to Christ Daily. In today’s message, we reviewed the importance of denying ourselves daily. We were asked questions that help us reflect on our reasons for doing things; are we following traditions that were made by men because it feels good to our flesh, even though they are not in line with God’s word? Are we going to church just because it ‘feels good’?   You’re either off track or on track. We talked about…

Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Blessed Hope This sermon is a great encouragement for all those who believe in Christ! Pastor Vickylextar shared the true biblical perspective of the second coming of Christ, our blessed hope. As it is written, no one knows when He will return (Mark 13:32), so let’s not fall for those who claim they know when the end of the world is. Simply be ready because He is surely coming! Since we believe this, we ought to live in a…

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Letting Go of Judgement & Casting our Cares on God This week, our Pastor shared a poem written about Job’s wife, looking at the wife’s response to her husband’s situation from a different perspective. We often judged her base on what she said out of grief. We forget she was there with him when he was suffering and that she lost her children too. She still had to bear new children. We also read 1 Peter 5:6-11; it speaks about…

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Who’s the Cornerstone of Your Life? Today was a unique service! We were reminded of how good God is through songs and the Word. We were encouraged to go deeper in Him. Listen to today’s message to be reminded of what part we need to play to receive all that He has promised us. Learn the importance of fully surrendering to Christ and making Him the Cornerstone of our lives. 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Looking at the Condition of Our Hearts Watch this incredible service as we learn the importance of watching our hearts and not falling for the sins that easily entangle us!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Running the Race of Faith (pt. 2): Is Your Faith Based on Endurance or is it Based on Convenience? Today we talked about faith and the presence of God in our daily lives. We discussed how faith is the substance of things hoped for and questioned what our faith is based on. We also discussed the fact that we each have our own race to run, so we should make sure that our eyes are solely focused on Christ, what…

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Running the Race of Faith: Trusting Christ and Letting Go of the Thing that Entangle Us In this week’s message we were encouraged to examine out faith. We were reminded that our faith is grounded in God’s word and our attitude is the evidence. When you feel the pressure of life and things are not going well for you, this is where your faith kicks in.   We read parts of Hebrews 11 & 12 to discover examples of those…

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Getting Out of The Traps in Our Life This week we are re-visiting the story of the man that was laying at the pool of Bethesda. The focus of the  message was on the fact that sometimes we are the one that are pursuing God for our healing like the lady with the issue of blood that knew that if only she can touch the hem of Christ garment she would be healed.  Sometimes God comes to us like in…