Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sunday, July 19, 2020

LET’S TALK ABOUT HEALING: Applying Faith And Recognizing The Power Of God In You

This week, we continued to learn strategies to benefit from the physical, mental and emotional healing that God has made available to us. We were reminded that our faith and God’s power work together for healing to take place.

God says in His word that His people perish because of a lack of knowledge. We learn the importance of knowing the role we play in our healing. Offence, for instance, even a tiny bit, will hinder our ability to receive long-lasting healing.  

Yeshua’s last prayer was that we be united because He knows the power in unity and the danger of offence. Is it fair for us to have a wishlist for Christ and deny His last wish?

We also discovered the two ways to be healed. One is through the power of God, and the other is through faith in the word. When we look at the women with the issue of blood, for example, we see that she fought to touch the hem of Yeshua’s clothing out of faith. Her faith is what healed her.

Finally, we were challenged to examine any areas of our life that moves us away from God’s commandment to love Him with all your heart,  soul,  mind and strength. When we focus on the greatest commandment, we start to see that there is no room for pride, jealousy, envy or greed etc. When we do what God asks of us, we see many of our wishes unfold through the process.

Find out more by listening to this week’s message.

If you missed last week’s first teaching on forgiveness and to learn more about this week’s teaching on power and faith, please visit to learn more.


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