"Obedience" Tagged Sermons

"Obedience" Tagged Sermons

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Having a Faith That Works Through Love In this message, Pastor Vickylextar reminds us to work out our faith in love. Using Galatians 5 as her main point of reference, we are encouraged to love one another deeply as Christ loved us! Christ died so that we may be free; therefore, we should use our freedom to serve one another in love. True Christianity is a love call rather than a religious walk. When we veer away from His love…

Sunday, December 13, 2020

What Motivates You? Letting go of jealousy and selfish ambitions  & embracing gratitude.  In today’s message, we looked at the parable of the vineyard in Matthew 20. Yeshua used parables to simplify the topics he was trying to communicate to his audience. This one highlights a topic that is very important even today: gratitude. In the parable,  workers were only dissatisfied with what they had when they compared themselves to the others, just like Cain in Genesis, who only got…