"Divine Nature" Tagged Sermons

"Divine Nature" Tagged Sermons

Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Word in Your Heart In today’s sermon, our Pastor gave us deeper insight into the parable of the sower. In verses Mark 4:10-20, Yeshua explained to his disciples that He used parables for those outside of the kingdom to hear and understand. As Christians, Christ has given us the ability to understand His word, but we should not be too proud to ask if we don’t understand. In the sower’s parable, the seeds that fell on the road represent…

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Small but Mighty In this service, our Pastor used Gideon’s example in Judges 6 and 7 to show us how God can use a small group of people to do mighty works. This message is important as we prepare for our next phase of ministry. God enabled Gideon to lead an army against the oppressive Midianites despite the army being small and Gideon’s initial perception of himself. First, Gideon had to get his house in order, in the same way…

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Called To Be Holy Today we continued to reinforce the fact that God has given us His divine nature, and it is now our responsibility to walk in the light of who He has made us! We are imitators of Christ, so we should walk in the light as He is in the light. We are holy because He is holy. We must brace our minds for action and renew our minds to be aligned with the word. We were…